What do you do when it's raining. Have you tried Rain Art? Rain Art is the ultimate rainy day art project. You actually have to create it in thee rain. What's more fun than playing in the rain. I will tell you... Playing in the rain while making art!

How to Make Rain Art
To create this fun art project...which is also sort of a science experiment, all we did was crush up some old watercolor paints. Then the kids sprinkled the watercolor chips onto some watercolor. It is best to use watercolor paper, regular paper will get too soggy. But I think yardstick could work too. We then left them outside in the rain to see what would happen.
They kids loved going outside every few minutes to see what the rain had done to their papers. As the watercolors got wet, they spread out and bled all over the paper creating little rainbow splats. At one point, we even decided to add some more paint. We really loved this rainy day art project.
Also, if you leave them in the rain too long, all the paint will run off. So there is a balance.
Then we hung them up and watched paint run down. Once we were happy with the result, we put them under some shelter. Hopefully tomorrow the sunshine will dry out rain art so we can enjoy it inside.
Here are our Rainy Day Art Project results...
My minimalist. He chose very light colors, used less paint pieces and also smaller pieces. He also didn't want to leave it in the rain very long.

My Pollock. He used lots of pieces of watercolor paint chips, and also larger piece. He chose the darker pieces, so they stood out much more than his brothers.

Hope you enjoyed this Rainy Day Art Project. We really did. It's hard to be cooped up inside on rainy days, so this was a fun way to get some fresh air and release some energy. Hopefully the next time it rains, you can try it too.
Heather and Spencer
Now I am wishing we had some water colors around here!
It's me!....Jill
You could probably use food coloring drops.