Happy New Year's Eve!...what are all you party people doing for NYE? if you got kiddies and are trying to think of some fun evening NYE party ideas, then i have some for you. how about making this yummy New Year's Eve Punch and watching this King Julien NYE Countdown on Netflix. the boys and i love King Julien and have been enjoying the new Netflix original comedy series "All Hail King Julien." the first 5 episodes were just released on Netflix on December 19th. King Julien takes you on the jungle's craziest adventures along with his loyal sidekicks Maurice and Mort plus a whole new cast of colorful animals.
and tonight, we will be watching the King Julien New Year's Eve Countdown....probably a little earlier in the evening so the kiddies can get snuggled in their beds at a decent hour. that along with some popcorn, party blowers and NYE Punch, the boys are sure to have a fun evening.
THE PUNCH!!!! you need to make it. all you need for this yummy New Year's Eve Punch is equal parts ginger ale, Sprite, Dole Pineapple Juice and Orange Juice. just mix them all together in a punch bowl and you've got a Sparkling Pineapple Orange Punch that is a great mocktail for many occasions. to make it extra festive, sugar the rim of your glasses with colored sugar or sprinkles. and another idea is to freeze some of the punch in a ring, and then place it in a bowl of more of the punch to keep it icy cold. we can't wait to get our dance move on tonight with King Julien....it's going to be a PAAAARTY!!!we also hope that you and your family have a terrific New Year's Eve, and a Happy New Year!
here is a little preview of King Julien's New Year's Countdown.
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