i have been wanting to share about my littlest Vann learning to ride a bike. with my older two boys we did the whole training wheel thing, and they successfully learned to ride their bikes. however, they didn't fully learn to ride until they were five and six years old. Vann has been watching his older brothers ride, and he wants to ride like them right now, but is only three. i was recently introduced to balance bikes and have been intrigued at the thought of children learning to ride a bike without ever using training wheels. so we decided to try out the Joovy BicycooBMX balance bike.
balance bikes are bikes without any pedals, crankset or training wheels. children use them like traditional bicycles except they use their feet to make them ride. these bikes are often called "running bikes" or "run bikes." the goal of these bikes is to teach kids balance and steering. most kids can go straight from learning to ride on a balance bike to riding a regular bicycle because they have already learned how to balance on two wheels. there isn't that scared feeling they get when you remove training wheel from a bike...because training wheels don't properly teach kids to balance.
the Joovy Bicycoo and Joovy BicycooBMX are durable balance bikes for kids 3 years and older. the frame is made of aluminum so it is strong and lightweight just like high-end bikes. unlike the heavy wooden and steel versions, the lightweight frame makes controlling the Joovy balance bike much easier for kids. and the Bicycoo features tires that are pneumatic (air) and refillable which give kids a much smoother ride. most balance bikes use EVA plastic tires which are cheaper and wear out much quicker than these rubber tires used on the Joovy BicycooBMX. there is also a hand brake for the rear tire....letting kids get used to using bicycle hand brakes.
here is a short little video i made of Vann riding his balance bike in the park. as you will see, he can keep up with the big boys...he is almost ready for a regular bicycle.
this little guy really loves his Joovy Bicycoo....and i do to! it has been so fun to watch my little guy learn to maneuver his Joovy Bicycoo. we will keep you up-to-date on his transfer to a regular bike....which he will be getting for Christmas. we are so excited!
{disclosure: this is not a sponsored post. we received a Joovy BicycooBMX to facilitate this review.}
David Miller
Such a great starter bike for the little ones. I would use a Balance Bike for my kids!