{photo credits: Aquarium of the Pacific | Hugh Ryono}
it's officially the holiday season, so Santa diver will be delivering an ocean of gifts to the Aquarium of the Pacific’s sea otters, seals, sea lions, birds, fish, and other animals! Guests can see Santa diver with sharks and watch the Aquarium’s animals receive their special treats and enrichment gifts during the Holiday Treats for the Animals weekend.
you can watch the sea otters savor candy cane-shaped ice treats, gourmet lobster tails, and their very own snowman. throughout the day Aquarium staff will be giving special gift delicacies many other marine animals too.
the Seal and Sea Lion Habitat will also be decked out for the “sea”son with frozen “fishmas” treats.
this special holiday weekend event at the aquarium is not to be missed. families can enjoy holiday music, crafts, special presentations, unique photo opportunities, shopping, and more. and make sure to pick up a copy of the festival programming so you don’t miss Santa Diver, holiday storytelling, snow in Blue Cavern, and more!
wanna go? here's the info...
Holiday Treats for the Animals
Aquarium of the Pacific
december 1 & 2, 2012
9:00 - 5:00 p.m.
event included in the price of admission.
print this flyer for a free child's admission ticket to the event.
information about Holiday Treats for the Animals at the Aquarium of the Pacific
How fun does this look!