I'm so excited to share this post with you! Michele from FunOrangeCountyParks.com and I have worked together to give you the Ultimate Guide to Outdoor Spring Fun in Orange County!
It's Michele's longtime mission to "promote play and empower OC families to prioritize nature time." She does that by sharing ALL the parks and outdoor places to play. And with Sandy Toes & Popsicle's Orange County family fun ideas, we created THIS!

I designed and illustrated this Giant Coloring Sheet. It's an Exploring Checklist of Spring Activities in Orange County, CA. You can download it from this post and print it out for the kids to color! And guess what? It's FREE.
My coloring sheet pairs with Michele's awesome blog post:
10 Outdoor Things to Do in Spring Orange County
This FunOrangeCountyParks.com blog post lists the Best Things to Do Outdoors this Spring in Orange County – with things like "Where to Find Wildflowers" and "Kid-friendly Farm and Garden Outings."

Now what?
You will want to head over and bookmark Michele's 10 Outdoor Things to Do in Spring blog post to use together with this OC Spring Fun Coloring Sheet. Below you will find instruction on how to download and print out this coloring sheet.
How to Download the Giant OC Spring Fun Coloring Sheet
Michele and I are excited to offer our readers this fun giant coloring sheet for FREE!

To Download: Please go through this link, where you can get the giant coloring sheet directly emailed to you.
Please note: That by submitting your email address, you will be signed up for the Sandy Toes & Popsicles and FunOrangCountyParks.com blog email newsletters. We both send out newsletters 1-2 times a week, where we share weekly fun in the OC and ideas of places to visit in Orange County. No spam.
OC Spring Giant Coloring Sheet Download
If you are already signed up for our newsletters, still enter your email so that the coloring sheet file can be emailed to you. Rest assured that you will not be signed up for anything else, or your email be given to anyone else.
Can't Figure out the Download? Please send an email to hello@sandytoesandpopsicles.com. Title the email - Spring Coloring Sheet. And we will get thee file to you.
How to Print the Giant OC Spring Fun Coloring Sheet
To print this coloring sheet, you are going to want to go to get it printed at a local print shop such as FedEx Print, Staples or Office Depot store. It cost me less than $5 to print this at my local Fed Ex print.

To Order: You will be asking for a black & white Engineer Print. (Do not order a poster unless you want to pay a lot more.)
Engineer prints are printed on large pieces of regular paper (not beautiful thick card stock – we are talking thin printer paper). This is why they are cheaper than posters. Make sure to order black & white.
Sizing: This coloring sheet is 24" x 36" in size, so make sure to order that sizing.
You can either order online and upload the file, then pick up your print in the store. Or you can go into the store and they can help you order there. The only thing is, I can't guarantee they can print on the spot. You may have to order and come back when it is ready.

Is printing out the coloring sheet at a giant size is too much work? Don't worry. You can just print it out on a regular size sheet of paper. Even though it will be small, it is still fun to color! Make sure to click "Fit to Page" when printing.
Enjoy Spring in Orange County!
I am super excited at how this giant coloring sheet came out! My daughter was so excited when she saw it, and spent an hour coloring it so far. I am sure she will have more coloring sessions until it is finished.
Hope you and you family have a fun time coloring and enjoying the outdoors in Orange County this Spring!
Colleen F
Spring color page