Discovery Science Center STAR WARS™ Fan Day
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
calling all Star Wars™ fans! visit Discovery Science Center this Saturday is the fourth Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination ‘fan day’!!!! this special ‘fan day’ will feature an exciting presentation teaching “Galactic Survival Skills” and on the “Speed of Light.” don’t forget to wear your favorite Star Wars costume and brush up on your Star Wars trivia for our Trivia Challenge.
Special Presentation: “Galactic Survival Skills ”
Join us as we explore the equipment and skills necessary to survive the various planets of the Star Wars universe and those of our own solar system. Learn all about terrain and climate, and alien life and sociology including how alien languages and diplomatic techniques can vary between species
Special Presentation: “Speed of Light”
This presentation brings “Light Speed” into perspective with a real-world look into the speed of light, and just how fast “Light Speed” really is!
kids ages 3-14 get free general admission
when they wear a Star Wars costume on any Fan Day!!!
when they wear a Star Wars costume on any Fan Day!!!
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Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination
Exhibit Dates:
November 18th 2011 through April 15th, 2012
General Science Center Admission:
Adults $14.95 • Children (3-14) $12.95 • Seniors (60+) $12.95
Star Wars Exhibit Admission:
Non-members: $10 at the door • $8 Online
Members: $8 at the door • $6 Online • All-Access Upgrade $15
*General admission is required to purchase Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination tickets.
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